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27.05.2023 - 24.06.2023

Good for you being yourself

Queer 040

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Everyone knows the stereotypical image in the media of LGBTIQ+ people: exuberant characters, drag queens or muscular men in leather armor.

Hank Kooijmans

Everyone knows the stereotypical image in the media of LGBTIQ+ people: exuberant characters, drag queens or muscular men in leather armor.

With this exhibition Queer 040 wants to show that the Eindhoven community is so much more than that. It consists of parents, professionals, party animals, activists, but above all people with heart and eye for each other. In our progressive city full of development and technology, the core is ‘Good for you being yourself’.

With photo’s by Bas Berends, Hank Kooijmans, Faron van Leeuwen, Barbara Medo, modelz_secret,  Inge Pijl, Se7en Photography.

The exhibition has been curated by Johan Stribos, chairman of Queer 040, and photographer Inge Pijl. More info: Queer 040

Saturday, May 27, 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m
Free entry, please register:

Helen Sear, photography, video art, new media art, artcollector, fotografie, tentoonstelling, galerie

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