07-09.2024 - 23.11.2024
TalentWall 11 - Impression
Hobie Minnebeuker
As a visual artist, Hobie Minnebreuker explores the complexity of the human body.
As a visual artist, Hobie Minnebreuker explores the complexity of the human body. According to him, the body functions as a protective armor that we cherish, hate, care for and share with others. The armor, which essentially encases our physical being, can be damaged by factors beyond our control, making it even more vulnerable.
His focus is on exploring the way we deal with pain and the insecurities it brings. A traffic accident a few years ago made him aware of how fragile the body can be and how valuable a well-functioning body is.
The printing technique that Hobie uses to print his photos is the photopolymer etching technique. By pressing different layers over each other, scratching the etching plate or adding color, he can create imperfections and physical changes. Craftsmanship is a conscious addition to express himself artistically. Every print is unique and looks sculptural, just as every body is unique and has its own beauty.
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Hobie Minnebreuker (1997) graduated from art academy St. Joost in Breda in 2022.
instagram: hobie_minnebreuker